Så här stod det i tidningen:
On May Day, just after leaving her fiancé, 23-year-old Evelyn McHale wrote a note. 'He is much better off without me ... I wouldn't make a good wife for anybody,' ...
En ung man som pluggade till fotograf (Robert Wiles) gick förbi och tog detta foto 4 minuter efter hon dött. En mycket tragisk historia..
I was just looking around on the internet for photographys from the 1940's and found this picture of a girl my age who took her life by jumping from the top of the Empire State Building and fell on the roof of a car. A photography student (Robert Wiles) went by and took this photo just 4 minutes after her death.
lovely photo. :)
Åh nej! Den hade jag tänkt att blogga om, like minds think a like ,me think!
SvaraRaderaIt's facinating. Note that she's still crasping her dear pearl necklace, a lady untill death...
Hehe du kan ju blogga om det också :) Ja det är fascinerande hur man tänker likadant nästan samtidigt :)